At the time of disclosure, whether it is accidental or purposeful by the child, it is important to react carefully and to show as much empathy as possible. Try not to react with anger about the incident and put your feelings aside until the child has been assisted.
The role of the educator and/or parent is one of reporting the abuse, supporting the child and not the case. For example, it is not the educator’s role or responsibility to insist on seeing physical evidence of abuse, or to question the child about the abuse.
Under no circumstances should an educator take it upon him/herself to examine the child for signs of sexual abuse, e.g. removing underwear and touching or examining the child’s private parts or to cross examine the child on the details of the child’s disclosure.
If the child wants to show his/her injuries say; “I do believe that this has happened to you. It is a nurse or doctor’s job to make a report on the physical signs of what happened to you. Will you allow me to talk to the school sister/nurse. I am not qualified to write a report on your injuries.”