When young people have access to computers, the internet and cell phones, you can enjoy exploring this wonderful world of knowledge, news and chat rooms.
Since most of you are naturally and sometimes particularly curious about sex and sexual behaviour you come across pornography by accident, you become curious and interested in what you are viewing and so you continue to view these sites. This is even more likely if you are not able to talk to your parent or care taker about sex, your own sexuality and what you might be feeling and viewing.
Tips for Children
- Discuss rules for your use of a cell phone and/or the Internet with your parents, caregivers and/or teachers.
- Talk to your parents or caregivers if you are uncertain about sites you are visiting on the Internet.
- Remember that you cannot actually see people who you talk to through chat rooms even when they post up photographs, you cannot be sure that these photographs are actually of themselves.
- Never give anyone you meet through a chat room or internet site your personal information, such as telephone number, address, school and information about your family.
- Never agree to meet anyone you have previously met on the Internet without getting the permission of your parents and caregivers and taking a responsible adult with you.
- Dont open an attachment or downloaded file unless you know and trust the person who has sent it.
- If you find something that upsets or disturbs you, save it and talk to an adult about it.
- If a person sends you messages you do not want or feel uncomfortable with through your cell phone, discuss this with your parent or caretaker or a responsible adult.
- Remember that taking pictures of persons under that age of 18 that are sexual and pornographic is illegal and that sending sexual pictures of someone of any age to a person under 18 years is also a criminal offence.